Click on the magic box below to transport yourself to the Netherlands and meet Piet in conversation in his home garden at Hummelo. I cannot recommend this excellent video highly enough.

Click on the magic box below to transport yourself to the Netherlands and meet Piet in conversation in his home garden at Hummelo. I cannot recommend this excellent video highly enough.
Dear Sir, I will be in Amsterdam on 1.05 – 2.05.2015. It is really important for me to visit your garden, this is a purpose of my visit. Unfortunatly you are open in a different time. Could you make an exception and show me your special garden in May?
Kind Regards, Karolina Macherzyńska
Karolina, You can try to contact Anja Oudolf through the contact at but if they’re not open, they’re not open. That early in the season, try to see gardens by Jacqueline van der Kloet who specializes in naturalistic bulb planting.